We are a proudly South African company that aims to constructively help build our country and continent by conducting business in a fully transparent, symbiotic and socially responsible manner.
People are very important to us – not only our employees but also the communities that we operate in, our business partners and investing companies. For this reason we have created platforms and developed practices that are designed to guide and educate our staff and communities in their activities whilst simultaneously nurturing their abilities. By doing so, we are providing sustainable opportunities that have short as well as long-term gains, in turn creating sustainable communities.
Social Commitment
The Amava team are committed to being responsible, conscientious and contributing corporate citizens.
Our Social Responsibility policy reflects senior management’s commitment to the vision of embedding a culture that encourages all employees to get involved in our on-going mission to ‘Drive Change’.

Cynergy Foundation:
Focuses on Literacy, Leadership and Life-skill coaching in schools and communities in developing areas.
Reiger Park Secondary:
Revamp of media centre and training of librarians.
Enterprise development initiatives with a focus on supporting individuals to develop their own products.
Oliver’s House:
Continuous donations and support.
Hotel Hope:
Youth Day collection from team and a monetary donation from Amava.
CANSA Shavathon
Human Rights Day:
Our theme “Everyone has the right to an Education”
Our employees were given the opportunity to nominate someone they thought would benefit with some schooling assistance. An amount of R10 000 was donated directly to these schools.
Collection Drive for the Thususani Children’s Trust. A collection of educational toys and items that this wonderful foundation handed over to the Othandweni Children’s Home.
Green Office Week:
Amava took part in the national green office week initiative encouraging employees to think twice before printing, leaving lights on and throwing recyclable goods away.
Othandweni Children’s Home:
Our theme “Youth Day”
Our employees were invited to spend the day with the children at the home – we realised that although donating goods and supplies are always welcome – sometimes all you need to dedicate is your time.
We interacted with the children (aged 4-18) with sports activities, face painting, canvas painting and a big cook-up.
Oliver’s House:
Continuous donations and support.
Othandweni Children’s Home:
60 school bags filled with school supplies for the grade one learners of 2013.